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Why We Can’t Stop Talking About Save the Villainess

Written by Lover's Lens, Writer, Gamer Girl, Hopeless Romantic, Cat Lover
Published on August 14, 2024

Hey, gamer girls and fans of all things fabulously dark and mysterious!

If you haven’t heard about “Save the Villainess” yet, prepare yourself, because this is the upcoming game everyone’s talking about. Whether you’re a seasoned Оtome game enthusiast or just someone who loves a good story with a twist, “Save the Villainess” is about to become your latest obsession.

In the ever-evolving world of indie gaming, few projects have garnered as much excitement and anticipation as “Save the Villainess.”  The dynamic duo behind Best Laid Plans Productions, Inc. — Tanya and Emily created this Lovecraftian romantic mystery game that has not only captured the attention of the gaming community but has also resonated deeply with women and girls who are thrilled to see a game that finally puts the power in the hands of the villainess.

Meet Your New Favorite Villainess

Imagine this: You’ve just been handed the reins to a neurodivergent villainess trapped inside a romance novel. But there’s a twist—neither you nor she can remember the plot, or worse, who’s trying to murder her! Enter the world of “Save the Villainess,” where you’re in charge of guiding Jane through a series of thrilling adventures. Whether it’s navigating eerie manors, encountering suspiciously handsome (and potentially deadly) characters, or solving mysteries, your decisions will shape Jane’s fate.

This isn’t just another tale of a damsel in distress. Jane is a force to be reckoned with, and whether she ends up finding love, seeking revenge, or sparking a revolution is entirely up to you. It’s a fresh take on the traditional Оtome game Isekai, one where you get to rewrite the narrative of a character who’s been wronged by her world.

Save the Villainess Main Character

Why Are Girls So Hyped?

So, what makes “Save the Villainess” such a standout in the crowded indie game scene?

Empowering the Villainess

For too long, female antagonists in stories have been relegated to mere plot devices — characters designed to be obstacles for the heroine to overcome. “Save the Villainess” flips this script, allowing players to step into the shoes of the villainess and make decisions that determine her fate. It’s a refreshing change from the usual damsel-in-distress trope, giving women a character who is complex, powerful, and, most importantly, in control of her destiny.

Save the Villainess Character Profile

Murder Mysteries with a Twist

The game’s creators, Tanya and Emily, were heavily influenced by the brilliant murder mysteries penned by Terry Pratchett in his Night’s Watch series. If you’re a fan of clever plots, intricate puzzles, and a bit of dark humor, you’re in for a treat. “Save the Villainess” features multiple murder mysteries spread across four distinct routes, each filled with intrigue, deception, and plenty of “Aha!” moments. Just like Pratchett, the game uses satire to explore serious themes like classism, greed, and how society can twist a woman into a hated villainess. It’s not just about solving the mystery — it’s about uncovering the darker truths behind the facade.

Horror Meets Otome: A Perfect Match

When you think of otome games, horror might not be the first genre that comes to mind, but “Save the Villainess” pulls off this unexpected blend brilliantly. The game is set in the eerie, Lovecraftian world of Carcosa, a place where eldritch horrors lurk just beyond the corner of your eye and danger is always a heartbeat away. You’ll need to use your wits to find clues, fend off foes, calm angry furniture (yes, you read that right), and make the tough choices that will keep Jane alive. The tension is real, and the stakes are high, making every moment of gameplay a thrilling experience.

Save the Villainess Dialogue

Satire and Dark Humor to Die For

It’s not all doom and gloom — “Save the Villainess” also knows how to make you laugh. The game is full of terrible puns, tongue-in-cheek Victorian innuendo, and even some playful surprises. The Developers have infused the game with a sense of humor that keeps things light even as the stakes rise.

The game’s darkly comedic tone, combined with its horror elements, offers a unique experience that appeals to those who enjoy stories that are as eerie as they are entertaining. The mix of horror, romance, and mystery turns this VisualNovel Game into an absolute gem.

Unique Gameplay Mechanics

One of the most intriguing aspects of “Save the Villainess” is how it departs from the standard narrative approach typical of many games. Rather than relying on a traditional narrative voice to explain events, the game immerses you in Jane’s world by requiring you to carefully observe and analyze the scenes around you. Jane will share her thoughts and experiences, but to truly understand what’s going on, you’ll need to pay close attention to subtle clues. The game’s non-traditional narrative voice requires players to closely examine character expressions, animations, and background details to understand the dangers Jane faces. This level of interaction not only immerses players in the story but also makes them feel directly responsible for Jane’s survival.

Diverse and Inclusive Romance Options

Representation matters, and “Save the Villainess” knows it. The game includes romance options that reflect the diversity of its players. Jane can pursue relationships with a non-binary character who embodies both masculine and feminine forms, or with a mysterious woman who’s shrouded in secrets. These LGBTQIA+ options aren’t just included for the sake of diversity — they’re integral to the story, adding depth and richness to Jane’s journey.

Save the Villainess Servant Character Profile

And that’s not all! Each of the three main routes — Edmund, Izel, and Ben — offers three diverse sub-routes and mysteries, each leading to 10 different good endings and over 30 bad endings. Talk about variety! After you conquer these three major routes, there’s one final mystery to solve, which ties everything together in a thrilling climax. This structure ensures that every playthrough offers a fresh experience, with countless possibilities to explore and secrets to uncover.

Save the Villainess Prince Edmund Character Profile
Save the Villainess Duke Izel Character Profile
Save the Villainess Lord Ben Character Profile

Can you trust any of the suspects or love interests? That’s up to you to figure out.

A Kickstarter Success Story

The buzz around “Save the Villainess” isn’t just hype — it’s backed by an incredibly successful Kickstarter campaign. Within just 14 hours of launching, the campaign smashed its $20,000 goal, and it didn’t stop there. The first stretch goal, which added shirtless sprites for all the male characters (because who doesn’t love a little eye candy?), was quickly met, and more stretch goals were within reach. The excitement is real, and it’s clear that this game has struck a chord with players around the world.

Behind this wildly successful project are Tanya and Emily, the two creative minds who lead Best Laid Plans Productions, Inc. These two women are not just game developers—they’re passionate fans of villainesses and interactive roleplaying games. With the help of several wonderful collaborators, they are bringing “Save the Villainess” and land of Carcosa to life, making sure every detail is as immersive as possible.

Save the Villainess Kickstarter

The Future of “Save the Villainess”

With its Kickstarter success in the bag, “Save the Villainess” is well on its way to becoming a standout title in the indie game world. 

As we wait for the full release, there’s already a demo available that offers a tantalizing glimpse of what’s to come. Whether you’re here for the romance, the mystery, the horror, or just the chance to be a villainess who refuses to play by the rules, “Save the Villainess” promises to be an unforgettable experience.

Ready to Rewrite the Villainess’s Story?

If you’re looking for a game that’s equal parts mystery, horror, romance, and humor, “Save the Villainess” is the one for you. It’s more than just a game—it’s a chance to take control of a story that’s often been told by others.  So, what are you waiting for? Try out the demo, support the Kickstarter, and get ready to guide Jane to her destiny—whatever that may be.

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