Play as an aspiring game writer and designer who dives into a business partnership with a rowdy crew of talented co-founders, aiming to conquer the...
Chronicles of Taldun: The Remainder
This is a story of two magi, Vyn and Ilar, who find themselves trapped in a collapsing tower with their only hope for salvation being...
Save the Villainess
Congratulations! You are now in possession of one (1) neurodivergent romance novel villainess! Unfortunately, neither you nor she remember the bad romance novel you are...
A Date with Death
You’re just an ordinary person… or so you thought. For your entire life, you’ve been narrowly avoiding death by pure luck… or is it something...
Between exams, friendships, and figuring out what a savings account is, college might just be one of the busiest times of your life. No one...