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Lightbringer’s Promise, Short & Sweet

Written by Devil Darling, Writer, Otome Enthusiast, Horror Lover
Published on August 26, 2024

As much as I enjoy big sprawling stories with a long narrative, sometimes I like to try out something more bite-sized. Most short stories in the genre can struggle to deliver on the emotional front, as you don’t have that much time to get attached to the characters. That’s not the case for Lightbringer’s Promise, however. This game does an excellent job of getting me to care about the people inhabiting its world and the adventures you share with them. So let’s dive in and see what makes this title special.

Lightbringer's Promise Husheng

Art and Visuals

Lightbringer’s Promise captures the beauty of its world through detailed 2D visuals that bring both the characters and their surroundings to life. The game’s colorful and atmospheric art style sets the perfect tone for its fantasy narrative. From the serene beautiful forests to the shining lake at the top of the mountain, every visual element serves to immerse you deeper into the world. The character designs are equally captivating, the artwork does a great job of showcasing emotions and personality.

The Story

In Lightbringer’s Promise, you play as a young nameless adult living a peaceful life with your loving grandparents, and best friend, a fox spirit named Husheng. That is, until one day you encounter a flock of crows chasing after a white bird, which then falls from the sky. You’ve been warned your whole life to stay away from such beings, but when you find Wenjin, the fallen Lightbringer, her fate ends up in your hands. The game’s narrative revolves around moral choices: will you help her survive, or will you allow her to succumb to her destiny? With multiple endings and special dialogues, every decision you make shapes the outcome of your story.

Lightbringer's Promise: Nightmare


What truly makes Lightbringer’s Promise shine are its characters, as it’s their views and clashing philosophies that drive the story. Husheng, the fox spirit, is your long-time friend. He cares for you and tries to steer you away from any potential danger. He can be a bit protective, and quite pragmatic, which can come off as cold and uncaring at times, as the plights of those who aren’t close to Husheng do not concern him much.

Then you have Wenjin, the celestial being at the center of the story. She’s a Lightbringer, an individual whose duty is to share their light with others. Wenjin has become so devoted to her role that it has endangered her life. The story raises the question of whether sacrificing your own well-being for that of others is actually a good thing, with the Lightbringer having to consider that her methods may be wrong, even if she intends well.

Lightbringer's Promise Characters


Aside from what you’ve come to expect from a visual novel, the game offers a variety of 2D point-and-click puzzles in the form of riddles that challenge your mind while also adding to the narrative. The game itself is quite short, roughly thirty to forty minutes long, but due to its multiple endings which vary depending on the decisions you make along the way, there’s some replayability to be had.

Lightbringer's Promise Wenjin

Why You Should Play Lightbringer’s Promise

If you’re looking for a short title that can still deliver strong emotional beats, then you just might want to try Lightbringer’s Promise. The characters are charming, the narrative delivers satisfying payoffs, and the multiple endings give you a reason to come back for more after you’ve finished the game once. If you’re interested, then you can find Lightbringer’s Promise here.

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